Modern Court Case Management System

A well-designed CMS brings benefits to the courts, such as more efficient data entry, more effective data retrieval, better tools and enhanced bar and public access.

There many trends and issues are impacting courts that create an impetus for greater use of advanced technologes. As legal practice has become more technologically advanced, pressure mounts on the courts to join the flow of technological progress. One aspect of this impetus for technological growth is increased interest in implementation of e-filing and/or a more or less paperless court process, spurred in part by adoption of e-filing in the federal district courts. In addition, emphasis on government transparency, coupled with the focus of courts on building public trust and confidence in judicial institutions, have created greater demand for access to court information. Even absent other factors motivating change, a court’s existing systems may simply be outdated, or even obsolete, from the perspective of functionality and continuing sustainability. Finally, and perhaps most pervasively, limited budgets require more efficient use of static, or even shrinking, resources.


A modern computerized case management system (CMS) can help courts address these issues. For example, allowing electronic access to the court’s docket to counsel and the public through the CMS provides observable proof of the court’s technological progress. In addition, a modern case management system provides the foundation for an e-filing system and can assist the court in meeting current demands for information by making access to case and court data more effective and efficient.

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